Can Bed Bug Bites Make You Sick?

Can Bed Bug Bites Make You Sick?

Can they make you sick? Like sick enough to have to see a doctor?

Well, remember that bed bugs are parasites and live off of eating other creatures. Adults do not have to worry, bed bugs may leave bite marks, sometimes enough to leave what looks and feels like a rash. Even for teenagers, bed bug bites don’t really cause any harm outside of being itchy and can be embarrassing.

Bed Bug Bites On Infants & Small Children

For small children and a large infestation of bed bugs, it is possible to lose enough blood to have to see a local doctor or family medical clinic.

The problem is they spawn fast and can hide in between things like a bedpost because they are so small. They also can carry diseases from one victim to the next because they feed off of the blood of their victims. See how bed bugs can spread.

Think You Might Have Bed Bugs?

We are the #1 Bed Bug service in Lee County, FL. Get the lowest price guaranteed, no contracts, and 20+ years of experience.